Schools plan curriculum and develop teaching programs which are consistent with the Education Act and the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabus requirements.

Teaching programs are developed to meet the needs of every student. Teachers make decisions to reflect broad learning needs and the support needs of students whose learning is impacted by disability.

Teaching programs will incorporate assessment as an integral component. Valid and reliable assessment opportunities are planned so that students can demonstrate achievement of outcomes for the relevant stage of learning.

Teachers plan assessment strategies when developing teaching programs and will also make additional assessment judgements in the course of teaching and learning.

Teachers collect and record assessment information to:

  • guide ongoing teaching and learning
  • monitor and evaluate student progress
  • report achievement to parents and relevant authorities in accord with school requirements and department policy.

St Patrick’s provides parents/carers, throughout the school year, with formal and informal opportunities to receive information about and discuss their child's learning. This occurs in the following ways;

  • Whole-School Parent Information Night in Term 1 to disseminate information regarding Catholic Formation and Mission, Policies and Practices, School Improvement Goals, Learning Focus Areas, Wellbeing Initiatives and Positive Behaviour Support, Community Code of Conduct and matters relating to Organisation and Management;
  • Face-to-face meetings by appointment;
  • Phone and email contact as required;
  • ‘Class Dojo’ Messaging,

Schools will provide parents/carers with a written report on their child's learning at least twice per year.

Schools will disseminate to parents/carers the reports from state-wide testing programs (NAPLAN) and, as appropriate, will provide opportunity for discussion between teachers and parents/carers.
